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Mar 30, 2020
Grief Diaries - Sunset
It’s hard to believe that today is the last day of my grief diaries. While some of the prompts have challeneged me or made me write about...

Mar 28, 2020
Grief Diaries - Release
Because Rosie’s passing was so sudden and unexpected – I often wonder “how” or “why” did this happen. It just makes absolutely no sense...

Mar 27, 2020
Grief Diaries - Grief Myths
I think for me the biggest “myth” or misunderstanding with grief is that need to “move on.” Not only do I think that I won’t ever really...

Mar 26, 2020
Grief Diaries - Grief Rituals
We haven’t really started any “grief rituals” yet to honor our Rosie girl, but we have given a lot of thought to some of the things that...

Mar 25, 2020
Grief Diaries - Heart
My heart is 2 things right now and they are completely contradictory. I’m obviously heart broken – waking up each morning to my first...

Mar 24, 2020
Grief Diaries - Self Care
I understand the importance of self-care to my grieving process, but being 9 months pregnant and in the middle of a national pandemic –...

Mar 23, 2020
Grief Diaries - Dear World
One of my biggest fears since Rosie’s passing is that the world would forget about her. That people would continue to live their lives...

Mar 21, 2020
Grief Diaries - Love Letter
Dear Rosie – Since the moment you entered this world (at 9:50 PM on September 14, 2017) – you completely changed my life. You showed me...

Mar 20, 2020
Grief Diaries - Creative Heart
I really have never been a creative person and in my grief journey that has not really changed. There aren't many "creative" outlets that...

Mar 19, 2020
Grief Diaries - Music
Our Rosie girl LOVED music! From only 3 months old she started taking music classes with Ms. Maria at Music Together and just enjoyed it...

Mar 18, 2020
Grief Diaries - What Heals You?
Instead of asking “Why” did this happen to me, today I’m challenged to ask myself: “What brings healing into my life?” What can I do...

Mar 17, 2020
Grief Diaries - Grief Lessons
I’ve definitely learned a lot about grief and about myself during these last 3 months. Fortunately, up until this point in my life – I...

Mar 16, 2020
Grief Diaries - Treasured
Today is about writing about my treasured belongings that remind me of Rosie. The truth is – almost EVERYTHING does! Every article of...

Mar 13, 2020
Grief Diaries - Support Circles
My most treasured support circle these last few weeks has been the parents we've met through our support group at the Center for Hope....

Mar 12, 2020
Grief Diaries - Family Portrait
Since Charlie and I were married, our ideal "family portrait" always included children. We knew that we wanted children from the start...

Mar 11, 2020
Grief Diaries - Transformation
It's only been 2 and a half months since Rosie passed away - although it feels like she's been gone forever. When it first happened,...

Mar 10, 2020
Grief Diaries - Belief
I have always been a religious person - going to mass on most Sundays, saying prayers before meals/at night before bed, and turning to...

Mar 9, 2020
Grief Diaries - Seasons
Each particular season carries certain memories of Rosie with it, but the two that stick out the most for me are Fall and Summer. Rosie...

Mar 9, 2020
Grief Diaries - Day Dreams
I honestly haven't had many dreams about Rosie since she's passed away - I wish I had them every night. The one dream I had was just a...

Mar 8, 2020
Grief Diaries - Empathy
Empathy is a hard thing to write about right now - because while a lot of people want to listen and want to help in any way that they can...
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