Where do I even begin to describe my sweet girl? Rose Elizabeth Beagan was born on September 14th, 2017 - just 11 months after we were married. She came into this world and our lives so quickly and I always said she was our miracle baby. From the night Rose was born she brought so much happiness to everyone - especially to me and Charlie. We had so much fun together, our little perfect unit of 3. Rosie was always a pretty content little girl - from the beginning, when she slept 5 hours straight one of her first nights home from the hospital - to recently - as long as she was with us she was happy, no matter what we were doing!
Rose was (as Lisa put in her eulogy) - a shooting star, a burst of light - strong, impactful and bright. In her 2 years and 3 months in our lives, she made such an impact on all of us. She was beautiful, smart, witty, tough, and so silly. She had her own little sense of humor and she even understood when we were teasing with her. She would often say something funny and then follow it up with "I'm just joking." She had the best laugh, and we heard it often and the sweetest little raspy voice. She absolutely loved to sing and dance - before bed at night, at school, in our living room, even in the car. She was tough and would relentlessly try to keep up with her big cousins. Even if she fell down (which she did often!), she'd get right back up and keep going. She was extremely sweet and loving. And she always had her babies/or teddy bears in tow and she'd take care of each of them so sweetly. She'd often give us hugs unprompted or just snuggle into us or give us kisses whenever asked. Recently, she loved getting dressed in the morning and especially making sure I remembered to put a bow in her hair. Then she'd strut into our room, stand in front of Charlie and say : "Daddy, look at me, look at me!" She loved to eat - from the very start, she really ate whatever we did: steamed veggies, beef stew, salmon, mussels, steak, ribs - you name it. She especially looked forward to her "treat" each night after she finished eating dinner that Daddy would give her.
She loved being around family - especially her big cousins, Gracie & Johnny. But in new environments/around new people - she'd be more reserved and quiet - taking it all in around her. She was easy going/adaptable - coming everywhere with us - Maimi, North Carolina, Mexico, Hilton Head, Vancouver, Seattle! She loved to "read" - she'd often climb up onto her rocking chair, grab one of her favorite books, flip through the pages and keep reciting the lines she had memorized over and over (usually with a baby or teddy bear in her lap). She liked to watch Daniel Tiger, Moana, Annie and recently was getting very into Disney and Minnie Mouse.
She was ecstatic to be a big sister and would give my growing belly a kiss every night before bed. She knew her prayers and how she needed to be in church (saying "Shh" as we walked into mass on Sunday). Overall, Rose was such a light in all of our lives - she truly radiated love and joy. I wish we could all live more like Rosie.
